Bible Angels and Demons
Real angels are far from fluffy, winged babies or golden-haired people strumming harps. In Bible Angels and Demons, everything from warrior archangels to multiheaded cherubim are not only explained, they come alive for readers 8 and up in the large black-and-white, biblically accurate illustrations throughout the book. Learn the truth about these far-from-wimpy beings, what they did in the Bible, how they take on their real demonic enemies, and what they’re doing in heaven and on earth today.
Glowing men with the faces of four creatures, eyes that burn like fire, and flaming swords and battle armor … not what most kids think of when they hear the word angel. In Bible Angels and Demons, the real facts behind these mysterious beings are explored, using the evidence and clues found throughout the Bible to explain in kid-friendly language what cherubim and seraphim and guardian angels really are … as well as just how much power their enemies, demons, have in comparison. (Spoiler: the demons don’t stand a chance.) Also included alongside the engaging facts and illustrations are backgrounds on many Bible stories, famous and lesser-known, where angels appear, as well as profiles on specific angels we know by name, so children can vividly engage with the Bible in a new way.
Bible Angels and Demons:
- contains biblically sound information in language kids can relate to
- works as an age-appropriate reference guide for any child 8 to 12 learning more about the Bible
- contains large text and an open page design, along with lots of detailed illustrations, making it perfect for reluctant readers
- is part of the 2:52 series of books, which focuses on becoming more like Jesus as described in Luke 2:52