Managing Your Emojis

God calls us to live lives of joy, but sometimes we feel mad, sad, or scared. Managing Your Emojis, a 100-day devotional, teaches kids that God loves them no matter what they’re feeling, and Scripture can empower them to manage their emotions.Learning to manage our emotions is a critical life skill, yet we’ve often missed equipping kids with these valuable skills before situations intensify into mental health issues. Managing Your Emojis will help kids discover that emotional control and happiness come from God’s love for them. Through short, accessible devotions kids will...
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Catching Calm: When Little Kids Have Big Emotions

Written by Michelle Nietert and Tama Fortner When we think of catching things from others, we usually think about catching a cold or that latest icky bug that’s making the rounds. But there’s something else we can easily catch from others if we aren’t careful: emotions. It’s the reason there are laws against yelling “Fire!” in a crowded theater. Because fear and panic can so easily spread. Anger can zip from person to person like lightning, and worry can whisper through a crowd faster than you can say, “What if…”...
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Little Ones and Their Big Questions

Written by Megan Dobson, VP, Publisher, Zonderkidz and Blink YA “Mom, just one question tonight?” This is something I’ve heard nearly every bedtime from my oldest two children for about two years now. It’s more common with my oldest son, now 7, and honestly, in his case I’m lucky if he only asks for one! He’s infamous for tough questions and seems to have an endless supply of things he’s curious about. My five-year-old daughter is a little easier with fewer big existential or theological questions than my son, but she...
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When Big Feelings Overwhelm Kids and Teens, What Can Be Done? By Lynn Cowell

Today, author Lynn Cowell shares her heart about a journal entry she found she made while growing up; she and her co-author Michelle Nietert have a new title available now targeted at tweens: Managing Your Emojis: 100 Devotions for Navigating Your Feelings When I’m writing a book for kids, I pull out my old journals and read what I wrote when I was young. Sometimes what I find there makes me feel sad. In one journal entry, right across the top in black bold ink are two words. These two...
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Jesus cares about your mental health. Do you?

Written by Laura L. Smith Your mental health matters to Jesus. He created you body, mind, and spirit. He wants goodness for you, including for your mental and emotional well-being. Did you know that the top tips from mental health professionals to care for your mental health are Biblical (things like prayer, serving others, community etc.)? This totally makes sense, because God wants good for you and is always working things out for your good. In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month AND that 5 Minute Devotions for Teens: A...
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